Just launched – Social Finance International’s case study on our Project Maitri!

Girls’ education can change the world

We have enrolled
1.8 M+ girls into school

Educate Girls protects & promotes the right of every girl to gain a quality education

Just launched – Social Finance
International’s case study on our Project Maitri!

Girls’ education can change the world

We have enrolled
1.8 M+ girls into school

Educate Girls protects & promotes the right of every girl to gain a quality education

What we do
Charity for Girls' Education
Our Mission
To drive transformative behavioral, social and economic change in India by ensuring that every child has equitable access to quality education.
Our Approach
We work with local implementation partners who engage the government, community and village-based volunteers to ensure every girl in India has access to educational opportunities she deserves. Using smart data and technology with high-touch community engagement, our partners locate out-of-school girls in rural areas where poverty, migration, gender stereotyping, and lack of resources impede educational access and bring them into school and ensure that they stay and learn.

Over 1.8 M+ girls
enrolled in school

Over 2.2 M+ children
with improved learning
Globally, an estimated 122 million girls are out of school. In India, over 95 million girls between the ages of 6-29 are not in education, employment or training.
Girls’ education is not just a fundamental human right, but it is also one of the world’s potential ‘silver bullets’, contributing to at least 9 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Research shows that an educated girl is less vulnerable to child marriage, is more likely to immunize and educate her own children, will make a much higher contribution to the economy though participation in the labor force and will have fewer children of her own, thereby contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions.
Educate a girl and...

She will
marry later

She will have fewer &
healthier children

She will educate
her children

She will
earn more

She will stand
up to violence