Indrani Goradia

Indrani Goradia

Indrani Goradia is a philanthropist and advocate for women’s health and empowerment. She is the founder of Indrani’s Light Foundation, doing business as Raft Cares, which is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to improving the level of care for domestic violence survivors by training and supporting front-line domestic violence caregivers in reducing compassion fatigue and burnout.

Indrani is a tireless advocate for girls and women leading empowerment trainings in several countries around the world. She is a founding board member of Everywoman Treaty and an Ambassador for Think Equal. In 2013, Indrani joined forces with the global health organization PSI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to transform the lives of girls and women and lift them out of poverty.

An author, speaker and certified life coach, Indrani has delivered keynote addresses at conferences and leads workshops around the world. Indrani has participated as a speaker at the World Women’s Health and Development Forum at the United Nations. She also participated on the keynote panel at the Nexus Conference in Jamaica, the UBS’s “It’s a Girl” conference in Switzerland, Global India Fund’s Girl Rising Screening and panel in D.C, Women Moving Millions, TEDx Port of Spain 2015 Conference, and spoke at the Women Deliver Conference in Copenhagen. Her TedX Talk, “Love Expressed as Violence is a Lie”, can be found below.

TedX Talk