Educating girls transforms lives and communities. It empowers women to become leaders at community and government levels. It eradicates evils like child marriage, promotes healthier and smaller families, creates jobs, and improves wages for women.
But, not every girl child in India is given an opportunity to learn.
The illiteracy of parents, extreme poverty, and deep-rooted patriarchy, play bigger roles in keeping girls from reaching their full potential through education. Girls who belong to the marginalized communities, rather than studying in school, are often forced to do household chores, take care of their younger siblings, and get married as soon as they start menstruating.
The sudden outbreak of the global pandemic – COVID-19 made the situation even worse. According to the Right to Education Forum, millions of girls in India are at risk of dropping out of school as low-income families cannot afford their education.
Women face challenges all over the world but especially in developing countries, they are denied their basic Right to Education and face the risk of violence and child marriage. Several non-profit organizations are striving hard at the grassroots in such countries to support girls and women.
Today, we will share about 10 girls’ education charities that are leading the change across the world.

“Focusing on the most beautiful thing LEARNING: that no one can take away from you – Hannah Dengate”
CARD has taken great initiatives in various districts of Tamil Nadu, India to support the education of young girls. They have helped little girls from destitute backgrounds to go for secondary and higher secondary education to achieve their desired aims in life.
They focus on enrolling more and more girls in government-run high schools. They are trying to eradicate illiteracy among women by educating girls of this generation for which they work hard to convince the parents and then motivate the girls to attend school and learn.

“We aim to achieve behavioral, social and economic transformation for all girls towards a nation where all children have equal opportunities to access quality education – Safeena Hussain”
Educate Girls is a non-profit organization that aims to protect and promote the rights of every girl child by providing quality education. They focus on changing the patriarchal beliefs and amending them so that every family encourages their daughters to study. Apart from improving learning outcomes for girls, they also focus on spreading awareness about girls’ education.
This registered public charity in the US supports Educate Girls India, which was established in 2007. Operating in more than 20,000 villages of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh, Educate Girls India enrolls more and more minority community girls into government schools.
We hope that one day with their grassroots solutions, every girl from the villages of India will be in school and learning! They have enrolled one million girls into school but they still have a long way to go. Support their efforts by donating to girls’ education.

“Every girl deserves joyful, inclusive, and quality learning opportunities – Mr. Fazle Hasan Abed”
BRAC aims at fighting against all the odds like discrimination, violence, poverty, and displacement that prevent the girls in developing countries from receiving a quality education. They ensure that every girl they teach can take control of their own life. This organization provides educational programs in 6 different countries that have enrolled more than 900,000 students in primary schools all over the world.
While delivering quality education to marginalized communities, BRAC is enabling girls to grow into active, engaged, and resilient adults who are capable of navigating shocks and overcoming ill-fate. Many surveys state that even though BRACs students come from lower socioeconomic status households, they have better literacy and numeracy skills than other counterparts in the national sample.

“We see the world from her perspective and dismantle the social and financial barriers that keep her from reaching her full potential. – Ms. Lucy Lake”
CAMFED is an international, non-profit African organization that has supported approximately 2.6 million students to go to school. It mainly focuses on the villages in Africa where poverty is deep-rooted and women and girls are deprived of the opportunities that come with education.
They work to create a supportive environment for the girls in which they can attend school, succeed, and progress into adulthood that brings several opportunities including professional training, higher education, and employability. More than 120,000 people are involved in its alumni network that supports girl children’s school fees, books, uniforms, and sanitary protection.

“Our mission is to tackle prejudice against girls worldwide and expand their freedom and opportunities through education and leadership – School Girls Unite”
School Girls United is a US-based non-profit organization led by the youth that looks at education and leadership as a tool that can help tackle the prejudice that girls face all over the world. Around 62 million girls across the world lead a life without education. The number is big and unacceptable.
It is one such organization that is solely run by the generosity of volunteers. With the support of their volunteers, they offer scholarships to a lot of young girls in Mali that cover up their tuition, supplies, and tutoring. This foundation’s young activists look forward to their leaders to help make the education of girls a top priority in poverty-stricken nations.

“We aim to reach at least 10 million children with quality primary education -Dr. Helene Gayle”
CARE International is a global confederation that has responded to many natural disasters in Peru, Chile, Columbia, Vietnam, etc., and is now fighting for girls’ education and to eradicate poverty globally. When Dr. Helene Gayle became the new President and CEO of CARE in 2006; the organization shifted its focus towards women and girls. Their goal is to empower women by educating girls who have restricted opportunities to succeed in life.
Today, CARE is a worldwide non-profit devoted to helping end poverty. They believe that can be achieved only by providing equal opportunities to our girls through education and otherwise. They are already working on it and have established programs in Asia, Africa, and Latin America that plan to educate and empower women by bringing equality and desired leadership.

“We are working for a world where every girl can learn and lead – Malala Yousafzai”
Malala’s Fund Education Champion Network supports the work of educators and advocates girls’ secondary education around the globe. They provide support in many countries including Afghanistan, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, etc. Back in 2013, Malala Yousafzai started the foundation along with her father Mr. Ziauddin Yousafzai. Their main goal was to provide free and quality education to girls worldwide.
She survived a gunshot for speaking out loud about the unfair treatment she and her friends were subjected to in her school. After recovering from her injuries she chose to fight for young girls’ Right to Education and that was when the Malala Fund was raised.
Since its foundation, Malala Fund has focused on developing nations to provide education and work to young girls. To date, the fund is working in 8 different countries with 62 active education campaigns.

“Inspiring women to inspire girls because every girl should get equal shot at quality education – Delors Morten”
The Step Up organization was set up in 1998 in Los Angeles. Their education program is based on the girls of rural areas under the age of 13-18 years of age. As they often go to school in under-resourced areas and are less likely to seek higher education, a lot of passionate women volunteer their time, commit full support, and mentorship to help girls graduate high school.
The “After School Programs” created by this Foundation help the graduating teen girls on how to focus on their education and career goals further in life. Each two-hour session advocates and empowers these girls to strive for more. This way, the gender-expansive teen girls who may be facing systematic barriers in unlocking their potential become confident, career-focused, and ready to join the next leading generation of ideals.

“Every Girl has the Right to choose her own future. Educate her today so that she can excel tomorrow – Ellie Kaaya”
‘She’s The First’ is a community in New York City that advocates beliefs that every girl should study to choose her future. Millions of girls worldwide are denied their basic rights. Quality education can change a girl’s life and also help the nation progress. This Foundation works in 11 different countries to amplify girls’ voices.
To reach the maximum number of girls, She’s The First teams up with various grassroots organizations and makes sure that girls are educated, heard, and respected everywhere. The Fund raised by them ensures that girls attend schools and receive support for health and reproductive rights including life skills and mentorship. By reaching out to the underprivileged girls they offer support to those who would otherwise be denied an education.

“Our mission is to enable girls living in extreme poverty to achieve Financial Independence through customized quality education, vocational training, and college scholarships.- Edu-GIRLS”
Edu-GIRLS is a Foundation focusing on the education of impoverished girls in the slums of India. It is one of the few organizations in the world that put girls through all levels of education including high school and college and on to successful careers. They are trying to develop interventions that could uniquely respond to barriers of poverty and gender that stand in one way of educating girls.
Their programs are raising well-educated, financially independent, and super confident girls who are aware of their rights and responsibilities. They provide free education and also provide necessary support including tuition fees, books, and uniforms. They also take care of girls’ nutrition, health, and hygiene.
Apart from these, there are several other charities in the world working partly to empower and educate young women. From the local non-profits working in the US to the ones who are encouraging girls to seek education in the developing world.
If you wish to support the cause of girls’ education, then join the efforts by donating towards girls’ education. By investing in girls’ education, you can support them to get the skill and knowledge they need to build a better life for themselves. You can also support by sharing the noble work of these organizations with your known ones to help raise awareness about this cause.